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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


The Job Guarantee and the Solidarity Economy

GEO Collective

Labor Law, Co-ops, and Innovation

JJ Noire

Learning from Hall Socialism

Half Past Capitalism

Coming Home to Casa di Alice

The Evolution of the Tool Library

Tom Llewellyn

Class, Race and the Future of Solidarity

The Harvard Law Forum

Involve Everyone in Production

Arzu Demir

Cooperativas no agropecuarias

Euclides Catá Guilarte
Osnaide Izquierdo Quintana

The Permanent Community Energy Cooperative

Subin Varghese

Here's to Community!

Pittsburgh Resilience & Relocalization Lessons

Pamela Boyce Simms

Big Money Sets Its Sites on Coworking

Cat Johnson

Cuba's Cooperative Challenge

Cliff DuRand

Cooperative Economics in Brazil

Carl Ratner

Advocacy Support for Worker Cooperatives

David Morgan

Cooperative Education and Cooperative/Solidarity Economics

Michael Johnson
Ricardo Nuñez

Radical Democracy

Carlos Delclós

Video: SELC's Vision of a Cooperative Future

The Sustainable Economies Law Center