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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Cooperatives in the European Housing Sector

Housing Europe

The Solidarity Economy in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia

Center for Global Justice

An Interview with Ukraine's ReSew Coop

Patrick Le Tréhondat

The Job Guarantee and the Solidarity Economy

GEO Collective

Pool Yourself Together

Jere Kuzmanić

On Worker Cooperatives

On Contact

Creando Conciencia: A Cooperative Story

Coming Home to Casa di Alice

The Evolution of the Tool Library

Tom Llewellyn

Making, Adapting, Sharing

Morgan Meyer
Alekos Pantazis

Creando Conciencia y Felicidad

Michaela Fisher

Involve Everyone in Production

Arzu Demir

ROH Cooperative Cafe

Ekumenická akademie Praha

Interview with Josefina Luna

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Here's to Community!

Pittsburgh Resilience & Relocalization Lessons

Pamela Boyce Simms

Big Money Sets Its Sites on Coworking

Cat Johnson

A Cooperative of Collectors