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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Rethinking the Farming Economy

Natalie Peart

Native American New Urbanism

Trevor Decker Cohen

Harcourt Organic Farming Co-op

Align in the Sound

The Rest of Our Working Lives

Michael Johnson

Cooperative Sociocracy — Making it Work for Your Co-op

Sociocracy For All (SoFA)

Organizing for food sovereignty in Boston


How Co-ops Benefit Your Wallet and Work

Build Bronzeville

Cooperation and Chocolate

Agostino Petroni

Black Farmers Reclaiming Economic Power with Cooperatives

National Farmers Union

One Member One Vote

Mary Sutton

How to Set Up a Mutual Aid Fund

Julia Ho

Cooperating Through Crisis

GEO Collective

A Gift for Showing Up

Matt Noyes

Diary of an "Essential Worker" (Entry 2)

Gordon Edgar

Tech Co-ops Are on the Rise

John McNamara

Why We Don't Need a Cooperative Uber

John McNamara

Malik Yakini

Malikia Johnson

Baking in the Cooperation

Grassroots Economic Organizing

Jamila Medley

Malikia Johnson

Long Live Union Cab!

John McNamara