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Catalyzing worker co-ops & the solidarity economy


Worchester Roots 10 Anniversary Celebration, March 1st

Saturday, March 1st, 2014
6:00 – 9:00 pm
Location: The Shop at 97D Webster St, Worcester, MA

Worcester Roots will be holding a 10th Year Anniversary Celebration for all the hard work we have done over the years and to create a lasting vision for change in our community.

Co-ops Empower Immigrants

In the UK and across the world, co-operatives help provide a better life for immigrants and asylum seekers. While the British media continues to debate the positive and negative effects of immigration, little attention has been given to successful enterprises set up or led by immigrants – many of these being co-operatives.

February 13, 2014

Tales of Two Under-Cultures 2

February 13, 2014

A Call to Develop a Worker Cooperative Sector in New York City


On Thursday, January 30, 2014, the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA), a 90 year old nonprofit with the mission to “strengthen human service organizations and advocate for just public policies,” hosted a standing-room only conference entitled “Worker Cooperatives: Jobs for New York City’s Future.”

NYT reports on Food Co-ops in Gentrifying Areas

“Food is the best, the clearest manifestation of ‘a tale of two cities,’ ” said Joel Berg, executive director of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger, contrasting brownstone Brooklyn, thick with farm-to-table restaurants and of-the-moment cafes, with the borough’s eastern and central areas, where many can barely afford to eat.

NCBA Hosts "Co-op Talks"

Join the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA CLUSA) and your peers from other cooperative sectors for the 2014 Co-op Talks.. These gatherings are designed to bring together leaders from all cooperative sectors and provide the opportunity to network and grow strategic alliances. And, we want to hear your ideas on how to grow the cooperative culture during the Nosh with NCBA CLUSA. Bring your entire leadership team and learn the advantages of cooperating among other cooperators.

Registration is currently open for:

February 18, 2014

Breaking Good

Teleconference on "Moving Beyond Capitalism"

This Monday, February 24th, there will be a teleconference on the theme of this summer’s international conference on Moving Beyond Capitalism sponsored by the Center for Global Justice.

Laura Gottesdiener on the Value of Apartment Dinners

I remembered what one of the community leaders had said during the Zapatista organizing school down in Chiapas, Mexico, when asked how in the world had they managed to build their own schools, sports teams, hospitals, cooperative businesses, clinics, judicial system and government. Which initiative did they start with? Was it the armed uprising? Or a school? Or a corner store?

The answer was far simpler: We started with trust.


Voices from the US Worker Co-op Movement

"If I want time off, I just write to my co-workers and tell them," the woman told me with what seemed to be a mix of bemusement and pride. We were chatting in the hallway as the Philadelphia edition of the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy (ECWD) wound down. She lacked the harried gleam of the more activist conference-goers. It turned out she had just been hired by a worker co-op after working for years in another business, and had come to learn more about working in a democratically run, worker-owned business.